In my neighborhood, several street trees are failing (or doomed) for various reasons like the threat of EAB, Black Knot disease and having been planted much too deeply or in the wrong place. So, wearing my volunteer hat as leader of project TREEage, I helped our HOA to start a small community tree nursery this year, growing replacement trees for when they are needed. It’s a great opportunity to work with volunteers of all ages and support the outreach mission of project TREEage to promote best maintenance practices for urban trees.
Among the new 2022 bare root trees were five Bur Oaks (Quercus macrocarpa). They have been very slow to leaf out and three have remained rather sad ‘stick figures’ of the mighty trees they can potentially become. I often recall the tag line of Dr. Bonnie Appleton, "The greatest oak was a little acorn that stood its ground." With HOPE and ENCOURAGEMENT, much like she offered to me many years ago, we have continued to water them, talk to them and care for them in the same way as all the others …
Last week (9/10) I noticed a tiny leaf on one of those little oak trees, glowing in the afternoon sunlight! … #hope
Making a difference in our community
… one tree at a time